Holistic Therapy Pros offers a pleasant, relaxing experience in a serene sanctuary where the stresses of city life melt at the caring touch of our highly trained massage therapists. All of our therapists have multiple certifications, enabling them to approach each session holistically, considering the body, mind and health conditions of each person who comes to us.


Your health is a network comprised of your body, mind, and energy. If one aspect starts to fail, it can (and typically does) impact the rest. Our aim is to keep your network running at full capacity by providing a personal approach to your care.


It is a challenge to stay healthy in a busy world with many competing priorities and stressors: constant deadlines, demanding bosses, long work hours, children, ailing loved ones and the list goes on. It can take a toll on you emotionally, mentally and physically, if you don’t take time to take care of yourself first.


That is why we offer a range of services that include Chair Massage for when you’re on-the-go, House Call Massage Services for your convenience, and immersive experiences like our Signature or Swedish massages (elevated by Guided Meditation or Aromatherapy). We give you an array of options for self-care to best suit your needs.


We have assembled a team of licensed therapists who each hold a secondary certification in specialties like Reiki, Postural Analysis and Thai Massage to ensure that you will always be in the hands of a trustworthy, competent and talented therapist.


We aspire to help you feel your best so you can be at your best.

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